Steam System Audit
Steam System Audit
Steam systems in particular are at increased risk of energy loss. To prevent this, Swagelok experts specialize in precisely assessing steam and condensate systems for leaks and emissions. The entire system is inspected using modern tools and technology, such as thermal imaging cameras and ultrasonic measuring devices. Together with you, a root cause analysis is performed, areas in need of optimization are documented, and proposed solutions for repair and maintenance are developed.
What is inspected:
- Complete steam systems
- Distribution systems
- Heat transfer units
- Condensate recovery systems
- Steam process systems
- Steam generating systems
- Boilers
- Burners and controls
- Deaerators
- Turbines
- Condensate systems
- Medium/high pressure condensate systems
- Condensate recovery systems
- Skid pumping systems (construction and design)
- Steam trap surveys (detailed).
Your benefits:
- Reduction of emissions
- Reduction of maintenance and operating costs
- Protection of employees and the environment
- Reduction of downtime